Buying Replacement Tyres

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Buying Replacement Tyres

The tyres on your car will not last forever. As you drive along, the rubber on your tyres will begin to wear down due to the friction created by the contact with the road surface. Driving with worn tyres, it can be extremely dangerous. I didn't know about any of this until I took my car to be serviced. The mechanic examined the tyres and said that they were very worn. He recommended that I replace the tyres and talked me through the different options that I had. I learnt a great deal from him and I am really pleased with my new tyres.


Do You Need to Fit Winter Tyres on Your Car?

15 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Although Australia is renowned for its balmy weather, some parts of the country can experience frigid conditions in the winter. If you live or intend to visit those areas, you may need to ensure that your car is ready for the task. So, in this case, do you need to fit winter tyres to be safe? Understanding Your Obligations Firstly, there is a difference between "need to" and "should." Some jurisdictions may expect you to have tyres that are designed for the conditions, while others may also ask you to fit snow chains. Read More …

Commonly Ignored Maintenance Steps for Industrial Castors

20 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Industrial castors take a lot of beating, ranging from heavy loads, high temperatures, uneven terrain, and rough handling. Over time, industrial castors wear out, with some parts deteriorating faster than others do. Therefore, implementing a proper maintenance routine specifically designed for industrial castors is crucial. Regrettably, most facility managers treat industrial castors like standard models, often leading to undesirable results. This article highlights commonly ignored maintenance steps when dealing with industrial castors. Read More …

3 Top Properties of Fuel-Efficient Tyres

19 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Today, it pays to be gas-conscious if you consider the rising cost of fuel. That is why most car owners turn off the A/C when possible or keep their tyres well inflated. Besides, car owners try not to let their fuel tanks run too low. While the above strategies help reduce the amount of fuel your car consumes, fuel-efficient tyres can help you even more. That said, how do you establish whether the tyres you are buying are the fuel-efficient type? Read More …

Tyre Safety Checklist for Summer Motoring

3 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Summer might be the best time of year to experience the open road, but it is also the worst time to break down. If you suffer from a faulty tyre, then you can be left stranded by the side of the road in uncomfortably hot conditions with a vehicle full of passengers waiting to be attended to by a roadside recovery service. This is not how to enjoy summer! What do you need to check before you spend hours on the road in the summer's sun to confirm that your car tyres are safe? Read More …

Why Car Servicing Is Good for Your Tyres

30 June 2018
 Categories: , Blog

The fact is that tyres are often neglected. You wouldn't be the only motorist who fails to inspect their tyres as regularly as they should. Tyres ought to be pumped up to the car manufacturer's recommended level every few thousand miles or so to make sure they are in optimal condition. All too often, the only time some cars' tyres are inflated is when the vehicle goes in for its annual service. Read More …